Sunday, November 21, 2010

The Libertarian Pledge To America

I am trying to catch up on my Lew Rockwell daily pages and I missed this article by Laurence Vance prior to the 2010 election. This pledge is good for 2012 also! Click on the link for the full article.

Here is the Libertarian Pledge to America:
  • I promise to end the war on drugs.
  • I promise to abolish the Department of Energy.
  • I promise to abolish all anti-trust laws.
  • I promise to abolish the Federal Housing Administration.
  • I promise to abolish the Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae).
  • I promise to abolish the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (Freddy Mac).
  • I promise to abolish the Government National Mortgage Association (Ginnie Mae).
  • I promise to repeal the Fair Housing Act.
  • I promise to abolish the Department of Housing and Urban Development.
  • I promise to abolish the Federal Trade Commission.

  • I promise to abolish the EPA.
  • I promise to abolish the Corporation for Public Broadcasting.
  • I promise to abolish the Department of Education.
  • I promise to end federal funding and control of education.
  • I promise to cease funding Head Start.
  • I promise to cease funding the National School Lunch Program.
  • I promise to repeal the federal minimum wage.
  • I promise to repeal the National Labor Relations Act.
  • I promise to repeal the PATRIOT ACT.
  • I promise to abolish the Department of Homeland Security.
  • I promise to abolish the TSA and return airport security to airports and airlines.
  • I promise to repeal all federal gun regulations.
  • I promise to abolish NASA.
  • I promise to abolish the National Endowment for the Arts.
  • I promise to abolish the National Endowment for the Humanities.
  • I promise to end the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
  • I promise to cease all drone attacks and covert activities.
  • I promise to bring all U.S. troops home from foreign soil.
  • I promise to close all foreign military bases.
  • I promise to stop meddling in the affairs of other countries.
  • I promise to limit the Department of Defense to actual defense.
  • I promise to end all federal bailouts.
  • I promise to stop funding the UN, World Bank, and IMF.
  • I promise to end all foreign aid.
  • I promise to end all farm subsidies.
  • I promise to repeal all trade restrictions, import quotas, anti-dumping laws, and trade agreements.
  • I promise to abolish the Equal Employment Opportunities Commission.
  • I promise to repeal the Americans with Disabilities Act.
  • I promise to repeal all Affirmative Action, minority set-asides, and public accommodations laws.
  • I promise to repeal the Family and Medical Leave Act.
  • I promise to cease funding Planned Parenthood.
  • I promise to abolish the Department of Health and Human Services.
  • I promise to repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.
  • I promise to end Medicare and Medicaid.
  • I promise to end all federal funding and control of medicine and medical research.
  • I promise to abolish the FDA.
  • I promise to abolish NPR.
  • I promise to abolish the Department of Labor.
  • I promise to cease funding any scientific research on climate change.
  • I promise to end the FED.

It May Not Be Franchising But It Sure Ain't The Free Market!

As if the Wichita City Council was not busy enough with giving out special deals and tax incentives to their buddies in the name of "downtown revitalization", now they want to tell us who we can hire to haul off our trash. I cannot wait until they tell me what grocery store or convenience store I can shop at. I had no idea that trash trucks were so destructive to city streets, silly me, I thought it was the hundreds if not thousands of cars traveling on them everyday! I will be contacting my council woman and voicing my displeasure at this obvious encroachment on my rights as a free citizen.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Wichita Seeing A Surge In Counterfeit Bills

I know where the Wichita Police Department can find real counterfeiters! It would be in Washington DC and the man they are looking for is grayish bearded and balding. He goes by the alias of Ben.......

Monday, September 6, 2010

Dr. Vance's 40 Miracle Cures for the Disease of Obama Care

Read the above linked article by Dr. Laurance Vance and then read this list. I have added a few things that Dr. Vance did not mention. Forget Obama Care! If you want real health care reform you have to allow a free market in health care!

It is surreal to think that in a supposedly free country we are talking only about HOW government should fix health care rather than WHY government should fix health care and the fact that government BROKE the free market health care system we once had in the first place!
If the Republicans and Democrats in Congress were really serious about health care reform then they should all be for a free market in health insurance and freedom in medical care by supporting things like:

1.  Medical savings accounts and health savings accounts.
2.  Allowing the use of pre-tax dollars to purchase medical insurance.
3.  A 100% tax credit for medical insurance and expenses.
4.  Medical insurance sales across state lines.
5.  Complete de-regulation of the health insurance industry.
6.  Unrestricted freedom of contract between insurers and insurees.
7.  Unrestricted freedom of contract between doctor and patient.
8.  The freedom of insurers to discriminate based on the perceived risk or any individual or group.
9.  Insurers absolute right of refusal for any pre-existing condition.
10. The repeal of any federal laws related to drugs, health insurance or medical care.
11. Opposing medical licensing laws.
12. Opposing mandatory health insurance.
13. Closing down the Food and Drug Administration.
14. Closing down the Department of Health and Human Services.
15. Closing down the National Institute of Health.
16.  Ending Medicare, Medicaid and SCHIP.
17.  Ending the War on Drugs.
18.  Oppose restrictions on the sale of medical devices.
19.  Oppose federal laboratories.
20.  Oppose federal funding of community health centers.
21.  Oppose federal funding for family planning clinics.
22.  Oppose community rating laws.
23.  Oppose mandated insurance coverages.
24.  Oppose medical record requirements.
25.  Oppose federal databases of American's medical records.
26.  Opposing import quotas on sugar and corn subsidies that together encourage the use of high fructose corn syrup.
27.  Opposing special privileges for the American Medical Association and Big Pharma.
28.  Opposing the Emergency Medical Treatment and active Labor Act which forces hospitals to treat anyone regardless of ability to pay.
29.  Opposing restrictions on a free market in human organs.
30.  Opposing federal nutrition guidelines.
31.  Opposing federal vaccination programs.
32.  Opposing federal HIV/AIDS prevention initiatives including AIDS funding for Africa.
33.  Opposing government mandates,controls, or regulations of any kind on physicians, dentists, nurses, midwives, psychiatrists, psychologists, hospitals, pharmacists, insurance companies, nursing homes, drug companies, or practitioners of holistic, chiropractic, homeopathic, nutritional or other forms of alternative medicine.
34.  Supporting the re-establishment of charity hospitals, lodge systems, mutual aid societies and sickness funds.
35.  Opposing Certificate of Need Regulations that limit the number of hospitals that can be built.
36.  Eliminate federal restrictions on the import of drugs.
37.  Oppose mandatory malpractice insurance laws.
38.  Reform the Tort System to eliminate frivilous lawsuits (loser pays).
39.  Abolish the patent system.
40.  Close down the Veterans Administration and veterans hospitals. Veterans would seek health care in the private free market sector paid for by the taxpayers because it was "promised" to them.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Roger Clemens is not a Criminal!

A grand jury has indicted former Red sox pitcher Roger Clemens for the non-crime of "lying to Congress". Talk about the pot calling the kettle black! We "the people" should indict the U.S. Congress for lying to us ALL OF THE TIME! They lied us into war in Iraq and they lied us into bankruptcy in 2008 just to name a few on a very long list. Roger Clemens took steroids. Big deal! It should not be a crime to put dangerous substances into your body as long as you do not harm anyone else after you have taken them. Who owns you? The Federal Government, or do you own yourself? Let MLB punish Roger by keeping him from obtaining employment from a franchise or as a broadcaster, denying him entrance into the Hall of Fame, or outright banning him ala Pete Rose. That punishment hits him where it really hurts, the wallet/bank account, and it disgraces him among his peers. Keep the Federal Government and the judicial system out of it! With the exception of the honorable Dr. Ron Paul and a scant few others, The U.S. Congress is full of hypocrites. Throw the bums out, without a doubt vote Libertarian in November!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

What Did You Do For Liberty Today?

We all want a free, peaceful and prosperous country. How do we achieve that? Hoping for it? Check this list from the Foundation for Economic Education.......

Daily Liberty Checklist

 What Did You Do For Liberty Today?

(put a check mark next to any that apply):

____ I raised it in a conversation and hopefully turned on a light in at least one person’s mind.

____ I defended it when it was challenged by error.

____ I improved my own knowledge of the literature of liberty so as to become a better advocate.

____ I wrote a letter-to-the-editor in liberty’s defense.

____ I recommended a good article, book or film that advances values consistent with a free and civil society.

____ I sent a personal check to an organization I know to be working for the advancement of liberty ideas.

____ I resisted temptation to subvert liberty by accepting something from government that didn’t belong to me.

____ I took action to clean up my own act so that I can be a solid exemplar of the virtues necessary for a free society to flourish.

____ I checked out at least one textbook my son or daughter was assigned in school, explained to my offspring any fallacies I found, and complained to the school about any that were especially egregious.

____ I told at least one of my representatives that if he or she ever voted for more government again, I would pull out all the stops to see him or her defeated in the next election.

____ I told my college or university alma mater that if they didn’t start hiring faculty who know how to present and defend the case for free enterprise, they’ll never, ever get another dime from me.

____ I did nothing at all for liberty today, except enjoy the fruits of it while leaving the battle for its restoration and preservation to others. I was essentially a liberty freeloader today.

Lawrence W. Reed is president of the Foundation for Economic Education in Irvington, New York.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Hooray for Steven Slater!

Hooray for Steven Slater! He like many others have had enough with rude passengers, long delays on the tarmac, porno body scanners, unprofitable or barely profitable airlines, but that is not the whole story. Despite so-called de-regulation in the 80's the air travel industry is still heavily regulated by the Federal government. The airlines are restricted in how they do business is so many ways the first is the fact that since the 60's the Federal government has been responsible for security at airports. The Feds are responsible for preventing the airlines from arming their pilots in the cockpit or anywhere else, the unintended consequence was what happened on 911! The city and county governments also own the airports in most cities so customer service is not necessarily the first rule of business, getting State and Federal subsidies is. The libertarian solution would be to privatize both airport security and airport ownership. The owners would be fully liable for any breach in security and held fully accountable by law. In a true free market the consumer/customer is king and service is priority one.....we now have conflicting stories from passengers on board that flight about who was rude to whom...

Friday, August 6, 2010

I Love Talk Soup on E! Entertainment Television

The Soup (formerly Talk Soup) airs on Cox Cable every Friday at 9:00 pm central time with a re-peat usually at 9:30 pm. Joel Hale is absolutely hilarious! For those of you who are not familiar with this show it lampoons all of the "reality" shows on television! For those of you who "do not get it" with the fascination of reality TV, like me, this is the show for you. We are really de-volving as a society ala "Idiocracy" when we spend too much time involving ourselves in other peoples lives more that the real people in our lives. Check it out.......

Thursday, August 5, 2010

I detest Fred Phelps as much as the next guy but...

If we want to keep free speech in this country we MUST tolerate the offensive speech of others as long as their words do not become violent action. If we attempt to muzzle those we disagree with by using the heavy hand of government, pretty soon the silence will be deafening. Think about it and read this article by John Whitehead of the Rutherford Institute...

Friday, July 30, 2010

Bombardier's Remorse

I was the one who pushed the button that opened the doors that dropped the bombs that rained down fire and death in Dresden, killing innocent women, children and old men. This was a city with targets that were of no military significance but designed to terrorize and demoralize the German people. I know people from Germany. We had back yard neighbors named Hoffmeier. We exchanged dessert over the fence right before Thanksgiving one year; the Hoffmeiers made an apple strudel that you could not buy in a bakery. My mom made a pecan pie that was great too. I played with the Hoffmeier kids. The Hoffmeiers were not Nazi's! We had a passion for football and bicycle riding. Read this article from the Institute for Historical Review for the horrible truth.......

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Cox Cable Really Lacking

I have been a subscriber to Cablevision then Cox Cable for over 18 years and I believe that they have the fastest high speed internet (with "turboboost" whatever the heck that is) in Wichita. I download a lot of music and podcasts so speed is what I need. I do believe that it is overpriced. I pay $46 a month. I also subscribe to their TV Starter and Expanded Service packages for another $49. This gives a less than spectacular menu of channels. I get 2- 13, 15, 18, 20-65 for a grand total of 58 channels. They have been raising the price while taking away channels like MTV 2! They used to have a pre-view channel that would run a top tier channel for a month and that was pretty cool especially when they ran the Golf Channel or Fox Soccer Channel. Right now they have several empty channels that are showing color bars so I hope that means new things to come in the future. If I can keep my high speed internet with Cox and 86 the cable tv I will. I am looking at AT&T but they want you to bundle phone service, internet and television when I only need one of them (television). Do not tell me that AT&T internet is faster than Cox because my mother-in-law has AT&T on her pc and it is noticebly s l o w e r. I said bye bye to a land line phone about two years ago and I will never go back, cell is the way to go. I have a line and my wife has a line.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Whats Wrong (and Right) with Wichita AM Radio

On the AM side of the dial we have a wasteland between endless neo-conservative talk and religious rightist church radio. The sports part of the dial is good. I particularly like what Steckline Communications has done on 1410 KGSO. They seem to have found the right mix of national sports talk (Fox Sports) and great local coverage. You cannot beat the Friday Night football show they have on in the fall. I however cannot say that I am impressed with what Steckline has done with 1480 am after buying it from Radio Disney. It seems like they have just picked up the cast offs from 1330 KNSS and 1240 KFH: Laura Ingraham, Phil Hendrie, Don Imus & Dr. Laura. I know they have Glen Beck (yawn), who is NOT a libertarian as much as he wants people to believe that he is. What would really make 1480 a stand out would be to host a local morning show that takes live callers and discusses/debates the issues pertinent to Wichita and Kansas. It should be hosted by a local Libertarian like Bob Weeks. Yes Bob is a libertarian. Bob does a great job on the Kansas Week show that is now being shown on KAKE television (I know that Bob provides the Conservative counterpoint of view) and his Wichita Liberty blog is the best in Kansas. Update: Newsradio KNSS 1330 AM has added "Goldwater Conservative" and strict Constitutionalist Jim Anderson to its weekend line-up on Saturdays from 1 to 3 pm. He is live and kicking! 436-1330.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Wichita FM Radio Is Coming Up Short

First it was the sale and death of FLY 92 and now with the new format being forced upon us at 107.3 The Brew I can officially declare that album rock is dead in Wichita! I really liked the sound that 107.3 The Road had and I am sad to see it go. I am 100% for the free market and I realize that this change had to be made because The Road was not making advertisement revenue. I will continue to listen to Bob and Tom in the mornings on 107.3 The Brew, and then 104.5 The Fox for about an hour; but after that it is Shawn FM on my mp3 player from about 10 am on for the rest of the day at work! The Fox plays some of the stuff that The Brew no longer plays but not the longer album length cuts that The Road used to do. Some cuts that come to mind would be the full live version of "Do you feel like we do" by Peter Frampton.  I love digital music technology even though the sound quality is not quite as good as playing a cd or lp. I am sure that the quality will improve as the technology gets better.

Where Do We Go From Here?

This is an article that I wish I had submitted to the Wichita Eagle and Wichita Liberty prior to the November election of 2010:

  Tea Parties are nice and fine, a public display of protest and anger at the ever growing size and scope of the Federal and State Government. How do you channel that dissatisfaction into real positive action? Do you try to hijack one of the Establishment parties and make it a liberty loving, Constitution abiding, freedom oriented entity? Or do you join up with the strongest, largest and best organized third party in the United States? The answer is clear if you can stomach the truth! The GOP is a dead elephant and one half of the whole problem in Topeka and D.C. When out of power the opposition party always sounds the clarion call of warning about "big government" and "losing our freedoms and civil liberties". Or we hear about how we are becoming a "fascist" or "socialist" country. Mr. Republican where have you been the previous 8 years when "big government" was growing faster than at anytime since LBJ and we were "losing our freedom and civil liberties" by the waging of the so-called War on Terror? Yes indeed, where were your protests against "W" and his corporate-military-fascist state? The silence was deafening. It is time for a peaceful revolution and it begins by thinking way outside the box and above the status quo of the two establishment parties. Want liberty? The only way that you can re-gain all that you have lost is to join up with other limited government, civil liberties, anti-war/pro-peace and free market people....The Libertarian Party!
    For every person that says that a third party candidate cannot win an election, if they actually voted for that candidate, that candidate would probably WIN! For every person that says a third party is too small and cannot raise enough money to win an election, if they actually donated to those candidates or volunteered time to help with the campaign of those candidates, those candidates would probably WIN! For every person that says that the election process is slanted towards the two "major" parties, actually volunteered to be a precinct worker and guard against voter fraud, that third party would probably WIN!
  The fact that the people are now finally fed up enough to actually foment a revolution scares the HELL out of the Establishment Parties. The Establishment would like nothing more than for you dear voter to waste your time, talent and treasure trying to reform the GOP back to its supposed Constitutional Conservative roots.. Let's face facts the GOP is one half of the "Big Government" problem and not the solution! The future is now, please join with us in creating a bright future of peace and prosperity for our state and country. The Libertarian Party awaits you dear Patriot. Do you have the guts to join it?
Vote Libertarian on November 2nd!  1-800-elect-us