Monday, July 26, 2010

Where Do We Go From Here?

This is an article that I wish I had submitted to the Wichita Eagle and Wichita Liberty prior to the November election of 2010:

  Tea Parties are nice and fine, a public display of protest and anger at the ever growing size and scope of the Federal and State Government. How do you channel that dissatisfaction into real positive action? Do you try to hijack one of the Establishment parties and make it a liberty loving, Constitution abiding, freedom oriented entity? Or do you join up with the strongest, largest and best organized third party in the United States? The answer is clear if you can stomach the truth! The GOP is a dead elephant and one half of the whole problem in Topeka and D.C. When out of power the opposition party always sounds the clarion call of warning about "big government" and "losing our freedoms and civil liberties". Or we hear about how we are becoming a "fascist" or "socialist" country. Mr. Republican where have you been the previous 8 years when "big government" was growing faster than at anytime since LBJ and we were "losing our freedom and civil liberties" by the waging of the so-called War on Terror? Yes indeed, where were your protests against "W" and his corporate-military-fascist state? The silence was deafening. It is time for a peaceful revolution and it begins by thinking way outside the box and above the status quo of the two establishment parties. Want liberty? The only way that you can re-gain all that you have lost is to join up with other limited government, civil liberties, anti-war/pro-peace and free market people....The Libertarian Party!
    For every person that says that a third party candidate cannot win an election, if they actually voted for that candidate, that candidate would probably WIN! For every person that says a third party is too small and cannot raise enough money to win an election, if they actually donated to those candidates or volunteered time to help with the campaign of those candidates, those candidates would probably WIN! For every person that says that the election process is slanted towards the two "major" parties, actually volunteered to be a precinct worker and guard against voter fraud, that third party would probably WIN!
  The fact that the people are now finally fed up enough to actually foment a revolution scares the HELL out of the Establishment Parties. The Establishment would like nothing more than for you dear voter to waste your time, talent and treasure trying to reform the GOP back to its supposed Constitutional Conservative roots.. Let's face facts the GOP is one half of the "Big Government" problem and not the solution! The future is now, please join with us in creating a bright future of peace and prosperity for our state and country. The Libertarian Party awaits you dear Patriot. Do you have the guts to join it?
Vote Libertarian on November 2nd!  1-800-elect-us

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