Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Would you sign the
Declaration of Independence?

Editor’s note: I have taken great artistic license and borrowed heavily from an e-mail sent
 to me today July 4, 2012 by The Advocates for Self Government’s Sharon Harris. The main idea and many paragraphs within this piece (in italics, to give proper credit) are entirely
of her creation. Her article inspired me to expand on her idea and write this post. I want
to make it very clear that she does not necessarily endorse my ideas.
Dear friend of liberty,

As we celebrate the 236th anniversary of the birth of a new nation, I have a question for you:
Would YOU sign the Declaration of Independence?
Would you sign the Declaration of Independence – knowing, as the Founding Fathers did, that doing so would brand you as a traitor and put your life at risk?
Would you pledge – in the words of the Declaration – your life, your fortune and your sacred honor to the cause of liberty?

I’m betting that very few of you would! Before you get angry and quit reading this post, please let me explain…..

If you are a Republican and/or a Conservative and not of the Ron Paul Wing, I bet that you would NOT sign the original Declaration if you could because you love militarism more than you love liberty! You see America’s military-industrial complex as something to be proud of and that we should be going abroad in search of monsters to destroy. You believe that it is our “national greatness” that should be the defining force in the world today; we should be policing the world and “keeping it safe for democracy”. Did you know Mr. and Mrs. GOP that the signers of the original declaration greatly mistrusted a standing army and saw it as a threat to liberty and the way to empire? Why do you think that the U.S. Constitution only calls for a navy to be permanently established? For further research I would suggest that you read the works of scholars Thomas E. Woods, Judge Andrew Napolitano and Thomas Di Lorenzo.

If you are a Democrat and/or a Liberal I bet you would NOT sign the original Declaration if you could because you are in love with the welfare-nanny state and believe that the Federal government (actually the taxpayers) should be providing each citizen with cradle to grave handouts. You are also fully in favor of the U.S. going abroad as humanitarians with a guillotine and helping each destitute nation whether they want it or not! Do you realize that a lot of our international policies actually make the world much more poor and destitute? Do you really believe that our foreign aid makes it to the hungry and naked people of those nations and NOT the Swiss bank accounts of dictators, government officials and their families? Oh how Thomas Jefferson would be turning over in his grave if he knew that the political party that he founded had gotten so hopelessly lost and strayed away from the principles of liberty that he held so dearly all of his life!

As for the rest of you……the remnant as we are called……

As libertarians and Ron Paulians, you and I are today’s representatives of the brave freedom lovers who risked life and limb to sign the original Declaration of Independence.
The work you and I are doing for liberty is every bit as vital now as their work was then. We are keeping their dream of liberty alive
, but that dream is quickly fading.
Who else will defend our cherished liberties today when those liberties are all in jeopardy? Who will once again proclaim the universal right to life, liberty, and the pursuit (but not necessarily the attainment) of happiness?

I urge each and every one of you to shake off the tired old “lesser of two evils” argument this November and DO NOT vote for any candidate of the two “major” political parties. Always remember that you are STILL voting for evil! Please change your voter registration tomorrow from Democrat, Republican or Independent to LIBERTARIAN! We can bring back peace, prosperity and liberty to our country! We can once again be that shining city upon on a hill, a promoter of liberty around the globe but a guarantor of none by force of arms! Vote Libertarian. It is our last best hope! Live free or die! Remember the principles 1776!

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