Sunday, July 22, 2012

Here are some thoughts on the Century Theater Massacre:

Is Colorado a conceal carry state? Is Aurora an open carry city? One well placed shot to the face (even though he had a gas mask on) and James the Joker does not kill or wound near as many innocent people! Yes, the theater was dark and smoky but with a laser sight on a semi-automatic handgun you should/could have been able to hit the weasel coward between the eyes!

Warner Brothers, please don’t pull the movie from other theaters because of the mass hysteria going on and the 24/7 cable news coverage of this atrocity! James Holmes is a deranged monster who had been planning this onslaught for many months. Your movie (which he had not yet watched) could not have influenced his behavior and even if the previous Dark Night movie did, he is completely responsible for his actions! We as free sovereign human beings are always at all times and circumstances responsible for what we do!

I could also see some sick individuals lighting off firecrackers inside theaters in the next few days as some sort of (humorous in their demented minds) copy cat actions. It is good that other theater chains have decided to beef up security and ban moviegoers from wearing costumes. In a society in which some private property rights still exist, these theater owners have every right to do this!

To all you gun control advocates, there is no way that this tragedy could have been prevented, so taking away everyone’s guns after the fact will not fix a bloody single thing! My only question is, how could Holmes have propped a back door open without sounding an alarm? At every theater that I have visited, the back doors are generally fire escape doors and they sound a very loud alarm when opened! I can already see the writing on the wall, ambulance chasing lawyers are already contacting the victim’s families and advising them to sue the theater owners for failing to secure the back door. And please excuse me for being a little insensitive but all the king’s horses, the entire king’s men and all the theater chains money will never bring back your loved ones again!

My last thought is a quote from Robert Heinlein and it is, “an armed society is a polite society” and I could also add that “a peaceful society is an armed society”! My sincerest sympathy goes out to the victim’s families and friends as well as the family and friends of James Holmes as they are all having deal with this horrible tragedy and great loss of loved ones. May we try to live out a more peaceful existence both at home and abroad as a country in the future.

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