From the Saturday September 3, 2011 edition of the The Wichita Eagle: Letters to the Editor section
GOP anti-science
Princeton University economics professor and Nobel Prize winner Paul Krugman recently wrote that Jon Huntsman "isn't a serious contender for the Republican presidential nomination. And that's too bad, because Mr. Huntsman has been willing to say the unsayable about the GOP — namely, that it is becoming the 'anti-science party.' This is an enormously important development. And it should terrify us."
Too bad, indeed. Huntsman is the one Republican I possibly could have voted for. The idea of Texas Gov. Rick Perry in the Oval Office is unthinkable.
Krugman described Perry's know-little-or-nothing take on science as it relates to climate change. Krugman concluded: "The odds are that one of these years the world's greatest nation will find itself ruled by a party that is aggressively anti- science, indeed anti-knowledge. And, in a time of severe challenges — environmental, economic and more — that's a terrifying prospect."
It is becoming more apparent that what once was considered the extreme right wing of the GOP is now, sadly, the norm. Unless centrist and moderate Republicans are willing to stand up against this movement, Krugman may be predicting the future. Scary.
My comments: The last time I checked there were a total of 31,000 scientists that have rejected the theory that global warming (if it exists at all) is man made and not caused by nature. Calling Paul Krugman a "scientist" is like referring to Joseph Mengele as a "doctor". Krugman is a Keynesian economist (follower of John Maynard Keynes) of the worst magnitude! He believes that by taking on even more debt the U.S. Government can spend its way out of the current recessionary depression. Krugman also believes that natural disasters like the Joplin tornado and Hurricane Irene are "good for the economy" because the re-building efforts will create jobs and a new demand for goods and services. What a crock! I suppose if I broke out all the windows in my house it would create work for the glazer but what about the goods I would not have been able to purchase from the butcher, baker and candlestick maker? If you want to know how a free market economy is really supposed to function, I suggest reading the works of Congressman Ron Paul, Thomas E. Woods, Robert P. Murphy and Murray Rothbard. They are all adherents of the Austrian school of economics and the intellectual giant, Ludwig Von Mises. Through the passage of time and economic history this man has been proven 100% right!
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