Read the above linked article by Dr. Laurance Vance and then read this list. I have added a few things that Dr. Vance did not mention. Forget Obama Care! If you want real health care reform you have to allow a free market in health care!
It is surreal to think that in a supposedly free country we are talking only about HOW government should fix health care rather than WHY government should fix health care and the fact that government BROKE the free market health care system we once had in the first place!
If the Republicans and Democrats in Congress were really serious about health care reform then they should all be for a free market in health insurance and freedom in medical care by supporting things like:
1. Medical savings accounts and health savings accounts.
2. Allowing the use of pre-tax dollars to purchase medical insurance.
3. A 100% tax credit for medical insurance and expenses.
4. Medical insurance sales across state lines.
5. Complete de-regulation of the health insurance industry.
6. Unrestricted freedom of contract between insurers and insurees.
7. Unrestricted freedom of contract between doctor and patient.
8. The freedom of insurers to discriminate based on the perceived risk or any individual or group.
9. Insurers absolute right of refusal for any pre-existing condition.
10. The repeal of any federal laws related to drugs, health insurance or medical care.
11. Opposing medical licensing laws.
12. Opposing mandatory health insurance.
13. Closing down the Food and Drug Administration.
14. Closing down the Department of Health and Human Services.
15. Closing down the National Institute of Health.
16. Ending Medicare, Medicaid and SCHIP.
17. Ending the War on Drugs.
18. Oppose restrictions on the sale of medical devices.
19. Oppose federal laboratories.
20. Oppose federal funding of community health centers.
21. Oppose federal funding for family planning clinics.
22. Oppose community rating laws.
23. Oppose mandated insurance coverages.
24. Oppose medical record requirements.
25. Oppose federal databases of American's medical records.
26. Opposing import quotas on sugar and corn subsidies that together encourage the use of high fructose corn syrup.
27. Opposing special privileges for the American Medical Association and Big Pharma.
28. Opposing the Emergency Medical Treatment and active Labor Act which forces hospitals to treat anyone regardless of ability to pay.
29. Opposing restrictions on a free market in human organs.
30. Opposing federal nutrition guidelines.
31. Opposing federal vaccination programs.
32. Opposing federal HIV/AIDS prevention initiatives including AIDS funding for Africa.
33. Opposing government mandates,controls, or regulations of any kind on physicians, dentists, nurses, midwives, psychiatrists, psychologists, hospitals, pharmacists, insurance companies, nursing homes, drug companies, or practitioners of holistic, chiropractic, homeopathic, nutritional or other forms of alternative medicine.
34. Supporting the re-establishment of charity hospitals, lodge systems, mutual aid societies and sickness funds.
35. Opposing Certificate of Need Regulations that limit the number of hospitals that can be built.
36. Eliminate federal restrictions on the import of drugs.
37. Oppose mandatory malpractice insurance laws.
38. Reform the Tort System to eliminate frivilous lawsuits (loser pays).
39. Abolish the patent system.
40. Close down the Veterans Administration and veterans hospitals. Veterans would seek health care in the private free market sector paid for by the taxpayers because it was "promised" to them.